Russell Howard
I am a Product Designer with a passion for crafting beautiful and intuitive experiences
“Good design is obvious. Great design is transparent.” ~ Joe Sparano.
See how I make it happen.
Need a designer to help you make the next big thing? Want to talk about supercars?
Drop me a line
How I can help take your next project to new heights
My Story
8 years ago, I began a journey that took me places I could never have imagined. After stints in retail and marketing, I was left with my career going in a direction I wasn’t excited about. I decided it was time to make a change.
I’ve always been an artist and had a passion for science and technology, so I chose a career that married all those interest together: product design.
I began by designing websites but I quickly realized it wasn’t challenging enough. So I decided to design and launch my first app. It was a heck of a journey but after 8 years, I’ve launched 3 solo apps, worked for Fortune 50 and Fortune 500 companies and have designed two patent pending inventions.
Never did I imagine when I began this journey, that I would end up where I am today.
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” –Walt Disney